Hudsonville Fair
August 19-24, 2024
Both Grand Valley and Rush Creek Councils have reserved a booth at the 2024 Hudsonville Fair. The official fair schedule can be found here, while booth signup schedule is below; email Jim VanderWeide to volunteer for one or more spots.
If you volunteer to man the booth, you'll receive a free pass to the fair for the day you are at the booth. We request that you wear your cadet uniform, stay by the booth during your time slot, and answer questions anybody may have about cadets. A list of Rush Creek clubs and a map showing church locations will be at the booth so people can be referred to a club if desired.
Typically you will also speak to people who have kids in cadets, past counselors, and supporters like grandparents. Although the primary reason we run this booth is to advertise our cadet clubs, hobnobbing with supporters is a valuable use of your time, too! Please consider volunteering this year.
Monday, August 19
​10am-2pm: Scott Oudbier
2pm-6pm: Todd Dodde
6pm-10pm: Nate Kamps & son
Tuesday, August 20
10am-2pm: Don Van Der Klok
2pm-6pm: Dave Buter
6pm-10pm: Greg Kooiker
Wednesday, August 21
10am-2pm: Jon Mulder
2pm-6pm: Paul De Windt
6pm-10pm: Greg Kooiker
Thursday, August 22
10am-2pm: Jeremy Kamper
2pm-6pm: Nate DeWindt
6pm-10pm: Dan and Kenny Dennis
Friday, August 23
10am-2pm: Open
2pm-6pm: Todd Dodde
6pm-10pm: Joshua DeWindt
Saturday, August 24
10am-2pm: Jim VanderWeide
2pm-6pm: Open
6pm-10pm: Open