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January 18, 2025



The Snow Derby is usually held on the third Saturday in January and is open to all active Cadets, Counselors, and Jr. Counselors. The event takes place at the GV/RC campground and is a great way to get out into the beautiful outdoors in the winter and enjoy our wonderful campground!


The event will start at the flagpole next to the Pathfinder building, so please DO NOT park in this area. Make sure each person is properly dressed for the weather and conditions, and consider bringing along an extra pair of gloves/mittens and a hat for items that get wet or lost.  There will be warming fires at each station in case anyone gets cold, so make sure the boys are keeping warm! Below is a rough schedule of events.


January 18, 2025 Schedule

  • 7:30 to 8:00 a.m. – Registration of sleds (Pathfinder East). 
    Sleds can be arranged around the flag pole by the Pathfinder building.
    Packet provided will contain the official “Snow Derby Scoring Book”, a map, a ruler, and a pencil. Use extra time to plot out first compass direction and gather an armload of wood to be brought to the first station.

  • 8:00 a.m. – Opening ceremonies (line up by your sled):

    • ​Raising of flag – alternating between the “Champion” of GV and RC clubs from the previous year. (Bethany URC for 2024)

    • ​Devotions and Instructions

  • 8:30 am or soonersleds head out to first event

  • 12:00 pm or soonercomplete last event, head pack to the Pathfinder building, turn in score book and provided supplies

  • 12:00 to ~12:45 pm Lunch is served! It consists of hot chocolate and the “world famous” snow derby soup made with some of your donated soup!

  • 12:45 pmClosing ceremonies (by Pathfinder flagpole):

    • ​Awards for this year’s competition presented

    • Lowering of the flag - alternating between the “Champion” of GV and RC clubs from the previous year. (Rosewood for 2024)

    • ​Closing Prayer

    • ​Return of scorebooks and dismissal



To be completed by the cadets. Counselor involvement is only acceptable on a recruit sled and then only minimal suggestions, not specific directions, are allowed. Remember, this is to test your cadets, not your counselors.  : )


  • Map/Compass knowledge (downloadable instructions)

    • While not an event proper, this ​is an important part of the snow derby. You are given a map of the campground with grid lines overlaying it. You are also given a ruler with distance marks on it. To find your first, and subsequent, event you are given a degree reading, a distance (both in the booklet you are given), and a starting location on the grid. You will need a baseplate compass or compass protractor for this.

      • First, turn your dial so the desired degree reading is aligned with the index line.​

      • Align the north-south vertical lines (orienteering lines) seen in the middle of the dial on your compass with the north-south vertical lines of the grid. Remember, true north (the needle) can be ignored for this.

      • While doing the above alignment, keep one straight edge of the compass passing through your starting square.

      • Line up your measuring ruler along the edge of the compass that passes through the starting square and have the proper number (zero, or one of the small increment numbers if your desired distance is a smaller measurement than the larger numbers show) in the middle of the starting square. Your destination should then be at the number on the ruler that matches the distance you need.

  • Knots & Lashing

    • This ​event can vary a bit, but the general idea here is the boys should know how to do a clove hitch, a square lash and a sheer lash, though both lashes aren't always required each year.

  • Cliff Rescue

    • This event helps to reinforce some basic first-aid with the boys. One boy (Cliff) is told he has certain types of wounds or injuries and the others have to help him. Remember to:​

      • Send someone for help (pretend to call 911)​

      • Talk to Cliff to help him avoid going into shock, as well as cover him with a blanket to keep him warm

      • Put a bandage or cloth over a bleeding wound and keep pressure on it

      • Use splints for broken bones and secure them well

      • Make a stretcher using your two long pieces of wood and a large blanket, roll Cliff onto it safely (roll to side of non-injured leg or arm and move stretcher under and roll back onto stretcher), and carry him a short distance

  • Tent set-up

    • You will have to set up a tent, including stakes and rain fly if applicable

    • Proper use of a ground cover tarp/plastic (should not be sticking out from under the tent)​

    • You will be told a wind direction and will be expected to set up the tent with the door facing away from the wind.

    • The tent will need to be packed away by the cadets as well

  • Fire Building

    • Your cadets should forage for good, dry tinder, kindling, and fuel as soon as you arrive at the campground. Your group will have a much better chance of completing the snow derby in time if you are prepared in advance for making your fire.​ You may have fire building as a first event and it's best to have your supplies collected.

    • May vary between creating a sustainable fire or burning through a string typically with a 10-minute time limit. The goal, in general, will be to have the cadets start a fire using as few matches as possible with only found, natural material (no twine).

    • Make sure the fire is put out with a shovel (not your boots) so no trace of fire is left.

  • Mystery Spot

    • While​ the main event here is, in fact, a mystery, it isn't uncommon for your cadets to be asked a number of questions related to the Cadet program:

      • What is a Cadet Council, Cadet Corps​

      • What is the ICC and when is the next one

      • What are the six cadet landmarks

      • What is the theme for Cadets this year

      • What is the theme verse



  • Participation

  • Behavior

  • Team Work

2025 Sled Equipment
  • Drinks/snack (for mid morning break)

  • Twine

  • Hand axe and/or bow saw (with sheath or cover)

  • Matches (farmer type is best in a waterproof container)

  • Tent with ground cover or tarp

  • Blanket and poles for stretcher

  • Splint materials (include padding)

  • Bandages

  • Baseplate Compass

  • Large clipboard or piece of plywood (11 x 18) with pencil

  • Pocket Knife (one per sled—maximum 3" blade)

  • Shovel

  • Bible (in ZipLoc Bag)

  • RPB Guide Book (new style)

  • 2 Cans of soup per person (1 for lunch (not a cream soup)
    & 1 for donation)

Extra Stuff
Clubs Willing to Host

The following clubs are willing to have you join them for this event if you have too few boys to form a sled, or if a counselor would like to come along to experience the event before bringing their boys.


Baldwin Street CRC

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