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Session Names

International Cadet Camporee Certification is comprised of one session for cadets, and two or three for counselors and junior counselors.  In the past, they were named "sessions one, two, and three."  In light of changes to our certification events, they have been renamed so as to be less confusing.

  • Counselor Orientation used to be called Session I, and is only for counselors and junior counselors.  In this session, you will be trained in the ministry of camping, and campsite prep and leadership.

  • Registration used to be called Session II, and has been made option.  Counselors who will register themselves and others may attend to fill out registrations and pay for them.  **Note** Registrations can also be sent in through the mail.

  • Skills Certification used to be called Session III.  This session takes place at the GVRC Campground, running alongside the Council Camporee.  Attendees are encouraged to camp out with their club Friday evening, then spend Saturday morning practicing cooking skills and setting up an ICC structure.


All events are open to all cadets and counselors from Grand Valley (GV) or Rush Creek (RC).  Other councils may participate, please contact Paul De Windt if you have interest.


Event Dates

Counselor Orientation

  • Thursday, Jan 19, 2023, Wayland CRC, 7-8pm

  • Thursday, Mar 9, 2023, Cottonwood CRC, 7-8pm

  • Friday, Apr 28, 2023, GVRC Campground Pathfinder East, 8-9pm



  • By Mail, call Paul De Windt (616.403.2649) with questions

  • At Rush Creek's Cadet-O-Rama, location TBD, Saturday March 25, 2023, 1-3pm


Skills Certification

  • Saturday, Apr 29, 2023, GVRC Campground, 6:00am to 1:30pm



Quick Facts

  1. ** Important ** Cadets must have their Axemanship, Firebuilding and Knots & Lashing badges completed before Skills Certification; this Camp Cooking worksheet will be filled out at the event while they are cooking.

  2. The event Gear List is part of the camp cooking worksheet; all counselors must provide their own equipment, as listed on the Gear List.

  3. Counselor Orientation is required for Counselors and Jr. Counselors, but not for Cadets

  4. A Camporee Certification Course Handbook will be provided as part of registration, and the back cover (click here for example) must be filled out with merit badge dates before Skills Certification​

  5. Registration for Skills Certification is required, along with a $15 fee to cover food.  Print off and fill in the below registration forms, then turn in to the committee by mail or at the Registration event.


Skills Certification Schedule


  • 6pm to 8pm Check In​

  • 8pm to 9pm Counselor Orientation



  • 6:00am Check In​

  • 6:30am Morning Watch

  • 7:00am Breakfast: prepare, devotions, eat, cleanup

  • 8:30am Structure Building and Teardown

  • 11:30 Lunch: prepare, devotions, eat, cleanup

  • 1:00 Awards Ceremony

  • 1:30 Event Concludes

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